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Please Support Reach Codes for Healthier Homes and Future of Our Planet

council@losaltosca.gov; eancheta@losaltosca.gov


Honored Councilwomen,

I urge you to adopt all-electric Reach codes in Los Altos for a cleaner, healthier, and more equitable future. Reach Codes help avoid environmental injustices by greatly reducing gas extraction and infrastructure health and safety hazards that disproportionately impact disadvantaged communities and communities of color.

Homes built with Reach Codes are healthier as air quality is adversely affected by burning gas indoors for heating and cooking.

Reach Codes are cost effective since the appliances they use are more efficient, lowering utility bills.  If the new home is all-electric, the gas infrastructure costs are avoided.  These codes must pass fiscal review by the State of California.

Reach codes align with PG&E and the State of California’s direction to have a carbon-free electric grid by 2045. Why build houses that will be obsolete before they are paid off?

Buildings are the second highest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Los Altos. Reach Codes, over time, will help significantly reduce our city’s emissions.

Neighbors such as Palo Alto, Los Altos Hills, Mountain View, and Cupertino have adopted Reach codes. Los Altos needs to do our part and vote with nearby cities.
